Industrial Vacuum System Installations

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Source Capture Vacuum System

1vacuum4 Source Capture Vacuum System for sanding and grinding tools in composite grinding and finishing process.  Installation includes vacuum tubing and is sized to meet NFPA requirements.
(Click On Photo to Enlarge)


Central Housekeeping Vacuum System

Central Housekeeping Vacuum System for clean-up of flour and other baking products in large frozen dough facility.  Installation includes vacuum tubing and NFPA explosion venting.
(Click On Photo to Enlarge)

Composite Grinding and Sanding Vacuum System

1VacuumSystem Vacuum system for collection of composite grinding and sanding.  System includes multiple vacuum producers with one baghouse.  Installation includes vacuum tubing, NFPA explosion venting.
(Click On Photo to Enlarge)

Abrasive Blasting Cullet Vacuum System

Vacuum system for collection of abrasive blasting cullet.  System includes pulse jet cartridge dust collector; 15 HP vacuum pump package; rotary airlock to supersack discharge.
(Click On Photo to Enlarge)